Task 2 Agree/Disagree Essay: Tips and Tactics

Task 2 Agree/Disagree Essay: Tips and Tactics

For IELTS Writing Task 2, here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Dedicate initial minutes to thoroughly read and comprehend the essay prompt. Highlight key terms and ensure you grasp the proposition being posed.
  2. Before commencing your writing, create a brief outline. Enumerate several points for and against the proposition to clarify your stance.
  3. Structure your essay traditionally with an introductory paragraph, a couple of main body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.
  4. In the introduction, rephrase the proposition to reflect your understanding and provide a preview of your stance.
  5. The main body paragraphs should each start with a clear topic sentence that conveys the paragraph’s main argument or point. Expand on these with relevant details and examples.
  6. Employ cohesive devices to seamlessly connect your ideas from one paragraph to the next.
  7. Back up your main points with concrete examples and evidence to strengthen your argument.
  8. Conclude by summarizing the main points discussed and reaffirming your position, avoiding the introduction of new information.
  9. Ensure that each paragraph is distinct and well-demarcated, perhaps with spacing or indentation.
  10. Allocate around 40 minutes to Task 2, writing clearly and legibly for the examiner.
  11. As you craft your essay, keep the marking criteria in mind to ensure you’re meeting the requirements expected by the examiners.
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