Task 2 – Discussion/Opinion Essay: Introduction

Task 2 – Discussion/Opinion Essay: Introduction

For IELTS Writing Task 2, particularly for an opinion essay, here are structured guidelines to follow:

  1. Allocate approximately 40 minutes to write a clear and well-supported argument.
  2. Ensure your essay contains at least 250 words, providing a substantial discussion on the given topic.
  3. Write your essay in a formal academic register, steering clear of colloquial language and slang.
  4. Organize your essay into an introduction, a body consisting of at least two main paragraphs, and a concise conclusion.
  5. In the introduction, state the topic and your thesis clearly without directly copying from the question.
  6. Present a balanced view in the body paragraphs, providing reasons for and against the argument or stating the advantages and disadvantages if required.
  7. Use transition words to seamlessly connect ideas within and between paragraphs for better coherence and flow.
  8. In your conclusion, succinctly summarize your main points and reiterate your position without introducing new information.
  9. Maintain clarity and coherence throughout your essay to effectively convey your argument.
  10. Remember to reflect on the criteria used by IELTS examiners for assessment, as detailed in the test guidelines.
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