Writing Strategies

IELTS Writing Strategies

IELTS Writing Parts

Task 1:

In the IELTS Academic version, Task 1 requires candidates to describe and analyze visual information such as graphs, charts, tables, or diagrams. Candidates are expected to summarize the information provided and highlight significant trends, comparisons, and key features.

In the IELTS General Training version, Task 1 requires candidates to write a letter in response to a given situation. The task assesses the ability to communicate in a formal or informal tone, depending on the context provided.

Task 2

Task 2 is the same for both the IELTS Academic and General Training versions. Candidates are presented with a prompt or statement on a particular topic and are asked to write an essay in response. The essay should express an opinion, present an argument, or discuss a given issue. Candidates are expected to provide coherent arguments, support their ideas with relevant examples, and demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic.

Each task has specific requirements in terms of word count and format, and candidates are assessed based on criteria such as task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource (vocabulary), grammatical range and accuracy, and overall writing quality.

Candidates have 60 minutes to complete both tasks, with Task 1 recommended to be completed in about 20 minutes and Task 2 in about 40 minutes. The Writing section is scored on a scale of 0 to 9, with half-band scores also possible.

Writing Strategies

  • Understand the Task Requirements: Read the task instructions carefully to understand what is expected of you. Pay attention to the type of essay/report required, word count, and any specific instructions provided.
  • Plan Your Response: Spend a few minutes brainstorming and planning your essay/report before you start writing. Organize your ideas logically and decide on the structure of your response.
  • Manage Your Time Wisely: Allocate your time effectively between Task 1 and Task 2. Aim to spend approximately 20 minutes on Task 1 and 40 minutes on Task 2. Stick to your time limits to ensure you have enough time to complete both tasks.
  • Use Formal Language (Academic Writing) or Appropriate Tone (General Training):Match the tone and style of your writing to the task requirements. Use formal language and academic vocabulary for Task 1 (Academic Writing), and adapt your tone to suit the context for Task 1 (General Training).
  • Focus on Task Achievement: Ensure that you address all parts of the task prompt and stay on topic. Provide relevant examples, explanations, and arguments to support your points.
  • Organize Your Ideas Coherently: Use cohesive devices such as transitional words and phrases to connect ideas and paragraphs. Organize your essay/report logically with clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Support Your Arguments with Examples: Back up your arguments with specific examples, data, or evidence. Use real-life examples, statistics, or hypothetical scenarios to strengthen your arguments and demonstrate your understanding of the topic.
  • Focus on Vocabulary and Grammar: Use a range of vocabulary appropriately and accurately. Avoid repeating the same words and phrases and strive for variety in your language. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure to ensure clarity and coherence.
  • Proofread Your Writing: Leave some time at the end to review and revise your essay/report. Check for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and any areas where your writing could be improved. Make any necessary corrections before submitting your final response.
  • Practice Regularly: Practice writing essays and reports under exam conditions to improve your writing skills and build confidence. Familiarize yourself with different types of questions and task requirements to be well-prepared for the exam.


By implementing these strategies and practicing regularly, one can improve performance in the IELTS Writing section and achieve your desired band score.

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